How to Keep Your Office Clean During the Holiday Season, Outdoor Cleaning Specialists

How to Keep Your Office Clean During the Holiday Season

With some companies taking a break or slowing down for the holidays, it’s important to maintain cleanliness in the office so that employees will return to a clean and healthy work space. Here are some tips to keep your office neat and orderly during the holiday season.

Manage the Christmas decors

Christmas ornaments and party decorations will be all over the place but make sure the office area won’t appear messy-looking. There’s nothing wrong with decorating your office for the festivities to spread the Christmas cheer. But bear in mind that you should still keep your office clutter-free to maintain your professional image for clients. Don’t forget to keep the Christmas decors clean as well since they can end up as dust-magnets if left unattended.

Take home or dispose of perishables left in the fridge

If your office will be closed during the holiday break, you might want to check what’s left inside your office fridge. Either take home the perishables or dispose of them before you leave for your holiday vacation. Make sure the fridge will be cleaned properly to prevent lingering foul odours and to avoid health risks.

Take out all remaining trash

Don’t allow garbage to remain inside the bins whilst you’re away during the holidays. Garbage bins inside the office areas and at the building’s premises must be emptied of trash. Make sure you give instructions to your cleaning services to check all trash bins and dispose the garbage whilst you’re on leave. You wouldn’t want to return to work in an office that reeks of last year’s trash!

Additional cleaning for company parties

After the Christmas celebrations in the office, there’s much to clean up – from the decors and the litter to spills and food stains. Before closing the office for the holidays, make sure everything is put away properly. Wash and wipe off surfaces with spills and stains. Dispose all trash appropriately. Inform your cleaning service provider ahead of time to prep them on when they’ll clean and what they’ll need to bring for cleaning the office after the party.

How to Keep Your Office Clean During the Holiday Season 2, Outdoor Cleaning Specialists

Keep the floors clean

With heavy foot traffic during the holiday season, office and building floors will become dirtier than usual. Materials from Christmas ornaments and party decors could also end up on the floor, such as pine needles or confetti, which can turn into dangerous slipping hazards. Commercial building washing services can mop the floors properly and sweep up trash, dirt, and debris to keep it clean and litter-free.

Wipe off dust and sanitise

With people coming and going through the office building during the Christmas festivities, it’s important to keep common areas clean and sanitised. This will help eliminate disease-causing germs, viruses, and other contaminants that can could trigger allergies and pose health risks to the occupants and visitors. Wipe off dust and sanitise objects and surfaces that have constant contact such as light switches and door handles. Cleaning services can also make sure that office desks and equipment will remain dust-free and sanitised whilst everyone is away.

Wash and vacuum carpets and upholstery

The holiday break can be the perfect time to have office building carpets and upholstery extensively cleaned. Dirt tracked in from outdoors can eventually create hard-to-remove stains or cause damage to the texture. Accumulated dust that has settled on curtains, office chairs, and couches need to be removed. Make sure you hire cleaning experts who can perform this task with the right cleaning tools to prevent any structural damage.

Clean external areas of the office building

A clean office building can help create a safe and healthy working environment for the staff. It also projects a professional image to clients and visitors. It’ll also be easier and safer to install Christmas lights and decors if the building is clear of dirt. During the holiday season, professional outdoor cleaning services can wash the building’s exterior walls and windows. They can also remove trash, dried leaves, mud, grime, mould, moss, and other forms of dirt in the surrounding areas. Removing Christmas decors might leave stains on the walls and floors. An outdoor cleaning team can make sure these stains will be gone before people return to work.

Need professional outdoor cleaning services in Sydney?

If you need efficient and expert cleaning services for your office building during the holidays, Outdoor Cleaning Specialists is the best option you can count on. Our clients highly recommend our high-pressure cleaning services in Sydney.

We also provide a variety of cleaning services such as building washing, window cleaning, house washing, graffiti removal, roof and gutter cleaning, floor cleaning, car park cleaning, and hard surface sealing, among others.

If you require expert outdoor cleaners for residential, commercial, and strata properties, call Outdoor Cleaning Specialists on 1300 870 626 or book a free consultation with us today.